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Blended Learning Project

The project aims to integrate direct learning in the educational institution with online learning with more advanced and sophisticated educational institutions in education. The idea of the project is already applied in several countries, including developed and non-developed.

The most important advantages of the project are that the student gets the highest quality education at his home or anywhere he wants, or in a more precise sense, the same quality of education in the most advanced educational institution at a low cost, and the student also obtains an approved certificate in the subject he studied from the best educational institutions and The most famous of them are Harvard University, MIT Institute for Science and Engineering, and other prestigious universities. Finally, with the increased awareness of the blended learning system, public universities can include these online materials within the student’s study list as optional courses that the student can register and study if he wants to, or public universities can equalize these materials and add them within the studied courses in the bachelor’s degree.

The Thousand Miles Project begins with a single step, and applying this system, no matter how much time and effort it takes, even if it is in a few steps, is much better than not striving for it. Because not striving in this project means staying at an undesirable level.

If universities want to develop themselves and their curricula in an exemplary way, this will cost a lot and very much that we cannot bear, but if universities provide the opportunity for the student to study online with prestigious universities by accrediting and including these subjects in the student’s certificate and not asking him to study the same subjects again or What is its equivalent within the college? This means that the university has unleashed the student to seek to obtain the valuable scientific material that is developed annually from the best universities, and thus the university has already given the student the best possible education without a significant cost.


Features and benefits of blended learning

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The experiences of countries that have implemented the blended learning system in a way that suits their needs

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The advantage of the CS50 course as a first step towards the implementation of the blended learning system

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My personal experience with the CS50 course

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My vision and suggestion on how to implement the project to suit countries seeking to develop, especially in Africa and the Middle East

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